Last night: Kids were all in bed with lights out by 7:15... haven't heard from anyone but McKenna who needed me to take a bandaid off her leg. All is quiet and I am praying they sleep until at least 6am!!! (make that 6:30, Lord)
Wednesday: "Chicken ceasar salad and garlic bread for dinner, raspberry smoothies for dessert... mmmmmm"
"While getting ready to head to the car today I asked Blake (my 22 month old) if he needed to go potty before we left. He's not been potty trained yet. He said to me in a sweet toddler voice, "Noo..."
Tuesday: "Working out of Panera Bread. It is amazing how much I can get done without kids around!"
Sunday: "enjoying down time after 3 awesome LPC services today, shew... I'm whooped!"
Saturday night: "Infected blister on my foot the size of a quarter. My whole foot hurts to walk on. Hope I'm not hobbling around the theater at church tomorrow! Soaking in epsom salt now...""We've been spending way too much at Blockbuster... switched back to Netflix. Working on my queue..."
Last week: "Just got back from day #2 of exercise. Horray for me! Hope I can keep it up, it feels great and Blake is with me on my bike or in his stroller!"
1 comment:
love the family photo...Hope your blister is gone...its 09-01 time for us all to get on a exercise kick...We are so blessed to be able to walk on the beach for next step is to step it up to a run...LOL
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