Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chicken anyone?

Chris asked if Blake ever took food out of the fridge to thaw. I can't say he has done that but he has gone in and helped himself. I forgot about these pictures. I was getting things out for dinner and when I turned back around he had pulled out some good ole fried chicken and tore into it. Man's gotta help himself I guess.


Anonymous said...

MAN WAS HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Johnson said...

I know. The weird thing about Blake is that he is sort of picky or maybe it is independent. He wants to feed himself. So I think he is skinny!

Anonymous said...

Oh no Kelly he is perfect for his size. If fried chicken is what he wants then by all means chicken he shall have.:)
BTW is his ear infection better?


Johnson said...

I think it is gone. Blake and KOurtney both have well check ups on Tuesday. His nose is still very runny, but he doesn't seem fussy anymore like he is in pain.

Anonymous said...

That's good I'm glad to hear that. I have a cold again and this time it has attacked my ears, throat and of course no voice. But the ears are the worst I pray with all the meds I got yesterday that I should be better in a few days.

Love ya,
