Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday CHICK-kabob

What a cool sign!
- I must say that I am so impressed with Lisa Trinidad at the Kids Life Registration table. Every week I arrive she is already set up with pagers and name tags out ready to sign kids in. What an awesome job she does!
- Set up wasn't even touched when I walked into my room at 7:55.
- But we managed again and things were in high gear for the 8:30 service. Once again my teachers were awesome today... thank you Jennifer, Erin, Becka, Shelli, Rosa, and Kayla!
- I attended the 1st service and took away some great stuff about what to do when I am in the dip. Mostly, I realized that I want to start keeping a prayer journal again. It is so awesome to write things out and look back to read about how God's hand is in your life. Sometimes you don't even realize what all He is doing for you. I always kept journals as a teen and in college. I want to do it again! Now that I am not in the baby fog anymore, I think I might have time!
- I had two people come talk to me today about getting back involved in serving at LPC. That is always exciting. Thank you Collin and Kristy!!!
- Blake went his first day ever without a morning nap. Ms. Lisette said he was just having too much fun playing! After all, he did turn 11 months old today!
- Kourtney missed her friend Meredith who is away on a trip with her family. She came down to my area at the 11:00 am service to see me and decided she wanted to help. It was so cute. She passed out drinks, drew pictures for the kids, gave the kids hugs, got them to sit in their seats for snack, and helped clean up. I guess I witnessed one of my daughter's first ministry experiences. I know she had one with her dad last week when they went around the neighborhood together passing out invitations to church. It is such a blessing watching her turn into a little lady.
- McKenna is deathly afraid of public toilets. Ever since an automatic toilet on the turnpike flushed on her she is petrified it is going to happen again. So today Ms. Katrina came and told me she thought McKenna had to go to the bathroom but she said she would just wait until she got home. I had to take her and convince her that the toilets were manual and could not possibly flush on her. I think most women can sympathize with this!
- Tammy always gets the kids for me when church is over while I tear down. That is so helpful to not have to worry about where they are.
- Today after church Luci took the girls to her house to play (what a blessing!). They have such a good time over there. I have to drag them home every time.
- Great day at Life Pointe. We made it through our 2nd week of 3 services without a hitch!

1 comment:

jennifer lynn said...

i actually thought about you today while i was nursing nathan after church.. i usually go to the car while everyone is breaking down and kaitlyn is running everywhere.. i am always asking.. where is kaitlyn, who is watching her? i thought, how does kelly do it with 3 kids and being the pastor's wife! now i know :o)
oh and kaitlyn is terrified of automatic toliets too.. lol..