Day 4 of Potty Training
Four days, several pair of panties, and lots of candy later... McKenna is doing great. She hasn't had a real accident since the first day. A couple times she "peeps" just a little in her panties and then realizes she needs to go, but over all she seems to totally get it! Today will be the test... we are going to be out and about with the whole family all day.
She seems so proud of herself and her panties. Kourtney also get a piece of candy when she goes, so she has been excited about it too! I am thrilled. Two down, one to go!
WOW Mckenna is turning into such a big girl. You go girl :)
YAY McKenna!!! I know you will be glad to only buy diapers for one! I haven't checked blogs in forever and wanted to check in and see how much the little man has grown. I can't believe he is 3 months... AND SUCH A CUTIE!!!
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