Friday, July 09, 2010

Week 6: Sum, sum, summer time!

I am blogging on Friday night since tomorrow is McKenna's birthday party and I am sure I will have separate posts for that.

Rain, rain, rain!  I wish I had realized that Key Largo Baptist VBS started Monday morning.  We did NOTHING all day and stayed in.  The kids always swarm Chase in the morning and here is their morning.

It was kind of nice after the long day of church and fireworks though.  Kevin and Brittany were still here and it was nice just relaxing with them.  Here is Chase chillin with dad:
 Blake got really bored and decided to play in the sink.  This is how we caught him:
 I let the kids paint a large box for fun.  
Monday night we went hit up Dairy Queen on the way (or out of the way really) to Life Group.  It was a nice treat after a whole day inside.  Monday night we watched a movie with Kevin and Brittany.

 Pool day!  Last day of Kevin and Brittany being at our house.  We hit the pool and stayed for a record 6 hours!  Unfortunately when I do this my eye-rubber (McKenna) always has pink cheeks despite my re-applying, chasing her around with a hat, and telling her not to run the sun block off of her face.  Still a great day had by all.
Tuesday night Aunt Kelly decided it was time for some photo ops before my sweet nephew left.  Here is the result:
 Kevin and Brittany left :(  We had such a good time and I was so thankful they stayed as long as they did.  It was so nice.  I went to Homestead with Travis.  I dropped him off at work and took McKenna up to the Disney store at the Falls to spend her birthday money from Grandpa and Grammy.  She went Toy Story crazy.  She got a Jessie, a Woody, and a Slinky.  She also purchased Toy Story 2 and a small Bullseye.  She had so much fun shopping.  We also saw our favorite Pediatrician shopping there for her nephew (we love Dr. Dones!).  I then took them to Emily's house so I could do some last minute shopping for the party and actually concentrate while I was doing it.  When we got home that night we of course watched Toy Story 2 :).

Finally made it to Key Largo Baptist VBS.  The girls were thrilled beyond words to see some of their ICS classmates and a couple favorite babysitters there.  I left them there and came home to work on McKenna's cake.  They stayed from 9-12. I spent the rest of the day finishing the cake and starting to get the house ready.

Another day at VBS.  This time I stuck around and Blake and I just sort of wandered and enjoyed our time seeing all the older kids play, learn, sing.  We were going to swim but it was a little sketchy so we stayed in and relaxed the rest of the day.

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