Yes. I was a bit mischievous at times in high school (and even college I guess). My dad was a pastor at our church and he was my principal in school grades K-11. So I guess I was constantly being watched. But I am guilty of toilet papering the houses of my youth leader, youth pastor, teacher, friend... in fact, some of you reading this blog may have been toilet papered by me, or toilet papered with me. :) I think it is harmless fun. I hear it is a more a northern thing and doesn't happen to often down here. So I wanna know who was sneaky enough to make it past my security gate and roving security guard to do this! Major Props. If it was someone in my neighborhood, like a snotty nosed kid - you better look out. But if it was someone who loves me and pulled it off - thanks! I feel special. Now, who is gonna confess? Travis and I have some theories of our own...
I thought that toilet-papering houses was a passing fad that passed away back in the late-1970s.
Not quite my brutha... it was very alive in my teen years.
Memories ... pressed between the pages of my mind!!!! Remember when you tee-peed Dan and Tammy Bonnough's house, and you would have gotten away with it if Kevin hadn't rung the doorbell!!! What fun!
Wow your pictures are better than mine
This job is amateurish to say the least. They used half a roll and forking makes as much sense as the 850 billion dollar bailout. It takes just as much time to fork as it does to pick up. This person needs some professional Webb TP tips. I think i'll post a pic of one of my best TP jobs ever. 300 rolls, 14 bails of hay, 3 scare crows, 22 vasolined windows and a partridge in a pear tree.
So Kelly have you found who did it yet?
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