Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Forbidden fruit

Remember my half eaten apple problem (link)? Since then the girls know not to just go get fruit without asking first. I like to cut the apple instead of the girls taking a whole one because then the entire apple gets eaten. So today the girls disobeyed and each helped themselves to an apple while I was showering (what is it with females and apples?).

Me: Kourtney you know better than to get fruit without asking first. Now you are wasting all the parts on that apple that you won't eat.
Kourtney: (Head tilted down, eyes staring up) Are you going to call the police?


Cheryl said...

LOL! Cute story!

Erin said...

LOL! Poor Kourtney! It must be rough living in that house with the cops coming by all the time. That is too funny!

Paige said...

Haha....that's a cute story!!!

Dorian said...

ROFL, do they come often? ;)

Anonymous said...

Kourtney is hilarious ! WHERE does she come up with that stuff ?

Just wait until Blake starts to invade the 'frig !

YOU - "Blake Matthew ! Why is half of my blueberry graham cracker crust pie suddenly gone ?"

BLAKE (with purple lips) - "McKenna ate it !"

Johnson said...

Chris, you got me!?!?! I wish I wrote down more she said because it is sooooo funny.

I can totally see that happening with Blake. He is such a little piggy!


Anonymous said...

That criminal spirit from their father I presume. That whole generational curse thing is really tragic.

Amy Elizabeth Robinson said...

So funny!! She is adorable