Friday, December 07, 2007

For the love of fruit

It's great that my girls love fruit. It is one of their favorite things to snack on. I usually keep bananas and apples in a fruit bowl on the middle of the island - the girls can reach them all by themselves. Travis prefers nectarines and plums, but they aren't always the best at the store.

Sometimes McKenna struggles with thinking that half of the apple is a handle, and the other half is to eat. She thinks that when you get done with the side you eat, the rest is no good. So this is what happened in just a matter of a couple hours this morning (Kourtney helped out too). I was distracted with Blake and getting dressed, but I think I may need to move the fruit bowl.


Kristin-Mom to 4 boys and 1 precious girl said...

My two younger boys do this too and they love fruit but this a frequent issue with apples in our house too!

Anonymous said...

So cute! They are like my girls. They devour fruit. I love your pretty marble counter tops. We put our REAL tree up this morning. I'm trying to pretend like I don't see the needles that have ALREADY fallen all over the tree skirt. You know how good I am at avoiding a mess!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Kelly, you've got critters in the house!