Thursday, June 26, 2008

Do you drink your cereal milk?

This is something I have never done. I always just dump my milk. The extra sweet liquid just seemed gross (which is weird if you know how much I like sweets). But in light of milk prices lately, I am thinking of changing my ways just for the sake of not wasting a few sips of $4.00/gallon milk!


Unknown said...

I have never heard of anyone tossing out the excess milk from cereal.

Anonymous said...

Yep! The only thing to do when you are done eating cereal...drink the milk.

Amy Elizabeth Robinson said...

Yes we drink our milk you wasteful thing, you! And my girls drink it, too. Olivia uses a straw. Good to the last drop.

Anonymous said...

For me, it depends on the cereal. If I'm dieting and the cereal is some form of grain or granola, I don't enjoy the leftover milk. Now, if it's "Cookie Crisp or Cocoa Pebbles" that's a whole diffeent ballgame! :-)


Anonymous said...

You're supposed to use the last of the milk to wash down the last of the cereal, baby.

Anonymous said...

I haven't consumed any cereal or milk in over 25 years, but when I did I drank all of the leftover milk - no matter what colour it was.

Anonymous said...

I try to make the milk and cereal run out evenly. If there is leftover milk, I drink it. It's still good, especially if you like milk. Never been a milk drinker, though.

Anonymous said...

I never drink the milk that's left over, not a fan of milk so I use as little as possible.


Paige said...


I'm with you. I have never done that. I love milk (especially now with being pregnant), but I still can't bring myself to do it. I like regular milk and chocolate milk....but the taste of the cereal, when there is no cereal left to crunch is tough. I do try to balance it out so there isn't much left...or if there is some left, I will pour a little more cereal so I don't waste so much. :) (John thinks I'm nuts for not drinking it)...ah, to each his own!