Saturday, December 08, 2007

What's important

Are my files organized the way I like them... no. Are the coffee tables always dust free... no. Is the laundry always put away where it belongs... it is a daily struggle. Is dinner always a meat, veggie, and salad... hardly. Did I mop all my floors this week... don't check. Is my closet clean... no. Is my pantry organized... no. Is my refrigerator sparkling inside... no.

But... did I color this week with my girls... yes. Did stories get read... every day. Does everyone have clean underwear... you bet! Did we make it to a park... yes. Did everyone get a bath... yes, yes, and yes! Did I answer a million very important 4 year old questions... yes, plus one. Did I kiss my babies and tell them I loved them... all the time. Did we cuddle up on the couch together...


Anonymous said...

Nothing is more important than that :)


Anonymous said...

That brought a tear to my eye. You are an awesome mom. I need to remember that too. That is what counts. Your floor is still gonna get dirty. The clothes will be right back in the hamper. And my kids eat the snacks before I get the groceries all put away.But they will always remember time with mommy. Thanks for reminding me what it's all about. ( my 1st baby is 11)