Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Target Update

I could not believe how many friends have shared with me that they had a similar experience at Target with either their baby or wedding registry. On my "mommy boards," myspace, and a few on this blog. They were all as frustrated as I was and have also spread the word to not register at Target.

Seems Target doesn't care too much. They obviously have had enough complaints to know what a bad policy it is for registered customers. I have not heard back from them either after my last email.

I did receive good advice about a loop hole in the policy. Travis will have to be dragged kicking and screaming to Target so I can get the rest of my money!!! Too bad it took a loop hole, and not good customer service, to resolve my issue!


Jenn said...

I was telling a guy at work about this yesterday (after reading your blog), and his wife called a few hours later. They had several people buy duplicate baby items for them. The store manager told my co-worker's wife that the store was not responsible if people did not know how to properly read a registry.

I won't be buying Christmas gifts there for sure!

Johnson said...

It is really crazy what poor customer service that is to registered customers. At least I have been able to be heard... even if it is not by anyone who gives a rip at Target!
