Friday, October 13, 2006

Therapy for me...

This is a very hard time of the year for me. I try not to talk to too many of my friends from up north (Dawn, Tara, Stephanie!). I know they are probably comfortably wearing jeans (I wear them and sweat to death) and a sweatshirt at night . Their noses probably get really cold and may even run a little after coming inside. They are probably going to Fall Festivals and craft shows on weekends where there is hot cider and apple picking. They walk a little faster at night to get into buildings and to avoid the cold. I, on the other hand, am still running to the buildings to avoid melting in 90 degrees. Yes, for them, cold is in the very near future, if not already there.

Pumpkins are on porches, the grass is starting to turn brown and the leaves are changing brilliant colors. There was this tree by my church and school in Ohio that turned bright red every year (this picture is not the tree - "my" tree was much prettier). It was the prettiest tree I have ever seen. Probably because I could watch it every year. Soon those leaves will be crunching under feet and smelling of fall. Fires burn in the air and pools have their covers off of them. Everyone probably has at least one new sweater, sweatshirt, or jacket. I miss shopping for seasons.

In my home state of Ohio, snow is on the way. It might not be in the forecast for the week, but it will come. Soon. Everyone will wish for a white Christmas and if they don't get one, they will be upset. But they have no idea what a short sleeved Christmas feels like.

People here in my new home state of Florida don't understand. They know I like the cold weather and miss it, but they have no idea the ache I feel this time of year. They have never experienced it! I stare at the corner in my closet where I keep my winter clothes and long to wear them. I think of everything I am missing about the seasons while here it seems as if seasons don't even exist. I laugh at myself when I think 85 degrees is "cooling off." I feel sad when my 3-yr-old asks if she can see snow. Yes, there is an ache in my heart and all I can do is pray for cold weather for one week in Louisiana while we visit my parents. In fact, God smiled on me 2 years ago when I prayed for snow at Christmas. It snowed on Christmas day in Robert for the first time in 25 years. Granted, it only lasted for mere minutes and none of it stuck, it was still a wonderful Christmas present! Sure would be nice again this year...
Kourtney seeing her first snow on Christmas Day 2004 right during gift opening time... it was just barely there!


Anonymous said...

My dear Kelly, A woman after my own heart...I grew-up in Long Island, New York. I have been down here since 1980, but EVERY year at this time I get this romantic longing for the change of season. Sad to say I even BUY colored leaves and make flower arrangements, spray artificial snow on my windows at Christmas and take out my FALL paintings and just sit and remember...A couple of times THE LORD blessed me with dreams of wintertime in New York, but my heart says wherever my family is, is where I will be. Count your blessings at least YOU get to go to where there is a change of season. Someday I will. I get excited everytime I hear a cold(chilly) front is sad (ha-ha) Not too many good hair days down, well all we can do is count our blessings, at least we dont have to shovel snow....

Johnson said...

Who are you annonymous? When my mom lived in Ohio still she would gather leaves for me and mail them or bring them down for me. There is nothing like that smell. When we moved here I told Travis that some days we may have to turn the air as low as it will go and get bundled up... maybe we should get together and have cold house day and pretend it is freezing outside!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly, its Beckie, sorry forgot to sign off. Poor Lisette we moved down here when she was only 5 years old, so she doesnt remember snow very well. That weather report made me say ahhhh...
but I was reading what Travis wrote and I remember that also...snow ruins alot of pairs of shoes, but it looks like a little bit of heaven on earth.Keep praying we have more COLD fronts this year, at least at Christmas.

me said...

I remember you posting that picture on the board, how funny is that! So, is this the part where I DON'T tell you we got snow while in Mt Rushmore earlier this week? Ok, don't read my blog then b/c the big, winter coats and flurries in the background might upset you. ;) I'm sorry you miss snow, I can't fathom not having it. I have enough issues with having to leave my mountains (Rockies or Sierra Nevadas) but no snow, I'm just not sure I could hack it. Here's to a flurry or two for you at Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Kelly I am also from Brooklyn New York and I miss the snow, change of seasons and shoveling the snow LOL..
We have gone back a few times over the years but the guys just don't care for the cold weather at all.If it was up to me I would go back in a heart beat.
As for the a/c mine is always on 65...

Anonymous said...

Love the pajamas

Johnson said...

My mom hasn't figured out how to comment here so I thought I would copy and paste the email she sent...

"You are a girl after my own heart. I look at it this way, at least we were blessed to experience the change in seasons. Some people live their entire lives and have never been able to walk in the snow or see and smell the leaves change into glorious fall colors. Some have never gone to an Apple Butter Festival, tasted warm apple butter on crackers, smelled the smell of burning wood, picked apples, and we got to do it as a family. What wonderful memories we have!!!!!"