Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pop Robert's house

We took yet another trip up north. We went to North Carolina to see Travis' grandfather, "Pop Roberts" and Grandma Lilian. Then over to Lee University for Celebration 2006 (more about that later).

Here are some pictures from North Carolina...
Kourtney doesn't meet a stranger. She wrestled around with Travis' Unlce Mike like she had known him forever! I couldn't even get a picture of him because she kept him covered up!
Pop Roberts and Grandma Lilian with the family!
McKenna had a great time meeting her great grandpa for the first time!

1 comment:

me said...

YAY for great-grandparents, they are such a blessing! I'm glad you got to go visit, I'll bet you made his day, week and year with those two little rays of sunshine! :)