Sunday, October 01, 2006

Cooler weather of North Carolina

When we told Kourtney that we were going to North Carolina she got her boots and snow coat out of the closet. She said, "it's gonna snow!"

I said, "probably not, it won't be cold enough."

She said, "but you said it snows in the "north."

My heart is in pieces. It was 95 degrees on our car gage when we pulled out of Miami. Here are some pictures of the girls enjoying the cooler weather in Pop Robert's back yard. Every time she went outside she said, "let's go explore mama!"
McKenna also had a great time outside where they could play without sweating!

1 comment:

me said...

How can you FUNCTION in heat like that? I mean, UGH! I'm complaining b/c it's been getting into the low 80's again this week and I WANT FALL! LOL I'm glad the girls enjoyed that cooler weather, too bad about the snow! ;)