Sunday, April 08, 2012


My McKenna.  McKenna Banana.  McKenna is such a sweetheart.  She tells me several times a day that she loves me, loves her family, loves cuddling with me, hugs me, kisses me, squeezes me.  She loves everything pink, sparkly, and poofy.  She loves twirling in dresses, jumping on the trampoline, and making new friends.  She is a big gamer and I have to be on top of that.  She could play on the computer or wii all day long!  She is good in school and very smart.  She is a great sister.  Always the peace maker, always sympathetic for a sibling when they are in trouble, always thoughtful for people.  She loves Jesus and loves for me to sing to her.  These are some pictures of her PACE ballet recital.  

Last week:  McKenna: Butter makes everything taste better... except poop!

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