I don't know how I have the energy to be blogging tonight... maybe it is the fact that my dear sweet husband told me we didn't need to flip a coin... HE would get up with the kids in the morning! What a day we had. The normal Sunday routine of all being in the car by like 7:15 and off to Homestead for two services. Then we had lunch at Kathia Pickover's house with Kathia, Peter, and Josh (oh, and their cute little dog Tiger). Then off to the Nelsons to pick up Blake (thank God they took him, I actually got to enjoy lunch and have conversation). Then off to the keys for our third service, followed by a "shin dig" in the cafe after church. Then we were all having such a good time a few of us stayed a little later and there was spinning, yelling, and lights going off and on. Then over to the house for baths, teeth, pj's, prayers, kisses, hugs, "go back to bed." Fun times. Great day.
Yesterday a football game was on and I said to Trav, watch this...
Me: Blake, what is on the tv?
Blake: (plain as day) football
Daddy: [grinning from ear to ear]

Yesterday I posted on facebook for everyone to wear their UM paraphanalia. LPC came through... we didn't even get pictures of everyone who represented. It was fun seeing everyone in jerseys. Football is here to stay!

This is Zion (Jesse and Reina's newest addition). We have to hold other babies from now on since ours are growing so fast!
Now I know why you were raised in the Webb household... to prepare you for your present life. You love it and you know it!
I DO love it!!! Thanks for all those years of my life.
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