Thursday, October 23, 2008

At the end of our street

At the end of our street there is this incredible little park and walking trail that sits on a lake. It is connected to a golf course, but the park area is open to the public. It is so beautiful and my favorite part of our neighborhood. The kids and I rode our bikes down there on Monday. I was hoping to get some magical birthday shots of Blake in his overalls with a pumpkin. It didn't quite work out that way. I kept having to ask the girls to move out of the shot and Blake was not so sure of the grass. The cutest one has McKenna standing in the background so I have to have Travis photoshop her out!. I still want to do better pictures for Kourtney's 5 yr old shots. Maybe we can make another day of it soon. The weather is really starting to cool off (down to 80 :)) and it is much more pleasant to be outside. Please refrain from commenting on my blog about what the weather is like where you are unless it is hotter than here. I get really sad this time of year.
There is also a butterfly park on the walking trail. They have very bright flowers that attract butterflies. The girls had a good time there.


Paige said...

Very cute pictures!!! The one at the top with McKenna in the shot...she looks like she's a little angel! :)

I love the pics of Kourtney & McKenna with their arms around each other...soooo adorable!

That is an awesome little park to have so close; how nice. ;)

Anonymous said...

That picture with Blake sitting in the foreground with the pumpkin is the cutest one I've ever seen of him to date. Leave McKenna in the background. It looks like she's an angel watching over little Blake.

jennifer lynn said...

kelly these are great pictures! blake is such a cutie.. he looks like a big boy with those overalls. i love it.

gRiCeLdA-tU-aMiGaInChRiSt said...

awesome pics sister kelly
your amigainchrist