Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Blake helping me pack up in Texas. The girls went with my parents to Louisiana to stay with them for a week.
We flew from Texas back to Florida. This is Buzz traveling in the airplane with us. Buzz has been with us since Kourtney was born. He is one of my favorite toys!
Blake - not so happy on the plane.
Then we drove to Georgia to see my brother and his wife, Brittany. Here is Dakota, Blake, and Aunt Brittany (and Dakota on Blake's pj's) hanging out on the couch.
Aunt Brittany making Blake a new fleece ginkie with fringe!
Chillin at the Webb's
Night night!


Luciana - "Luci" said...

i can see u guys r having a great time... I am happy 4 u...we miss u guys too... hurry home... love... lucy

Unknown said...

Are you still in Ga?? I wish you'd come see me!

jennifer lynn said...

We have got to do better planning! Next time you go visit your brother we should plan a stop on the way. OR better yet we should just plan something soon!

Amy Elizabeth Robinson said...

I forgive you for not stopping in Birmingham, jerk. That's the 2nd time you have done that!!I'm sticking my tongue out at you.