Monday, July 14, 2008

Gifts from Grandpa and Grammy

My parents did something really fun this year for McKenna's birthday. They sent McKenna money to go on her own shopping spree. I took her to Walmart. The first thing she picked out was this "Barbie motorcycle" as she called it. It took her a while to realize that she could spend up to a certain amount. She thought if she picked something else she would have to put the Barbie bike back. I finally got her to realize she could pick out more. She chose a pediatrician Barbie, a mermaid Barbie, and a Little People car. My parents also sent a ton of clothes (I am blessed to NEVER have to get my kids clothes). Kourtney has already put in the request... she wants to go on a shopping spree for her birthday too.
McKenna loves her bike. For now I am letting her ride it around the house. She drives to the pantry and gets a diaper and puts it in her trunk to bring to me. She pulls it up to the table and sits on it to eat. So cute.

Thanks Grandpa and Grammy! Wish you could be here!

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