Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Saturday before Easter

We gave the kids their baskets on Saturday so they could enjoy them. Sundays are too crazy for that! Kourtney did not get that care bear... she just wanted to make sure it was in the picture. This is such a great age... they were thrilled to have a chocolate bunny, peeps, some new crayons, and a place mat. You would have thought it was Christmas morning.
The whole Johnson family was over on Saturday. It was very nice and despite the fact that we had a huge day ahead of us, it seemed pretty relaxing. Anne and JT's Easter gift was an Easter Egg hunt for the girls since they didn't get to participate at the LPC one (more on that later). So Anne stuffed eggs with candy and prize slips. The girls had a blast. We had to do it inside because it poured rain all day.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Hi Kelly. My name is Jennifer. I am a mother of four kiddos...from Missouri. I stumbled upon your blog several months ago, while I was expecting our baby. I had done a search on google for something like "October 2007 babies", as that is when our daughter was due, and I was looking for a message board, or something similar. Anyway...somehow, after a few clicks, I came to your blog. : ) I've enjoyed reading about your family...and it's fun to read about your new little boy, as he's nearly the same age as our daughter. Here's a link to my blog....just so you know I'm not some internet crazie. LOL http://tylastem.blogspot.com/

Take care.
