I have not really had words to say what Friday night was like... I still don't. But here is a video shot by Ritz (who I need to link on my bloggers). He is the one in the video talking about the madness. You can read what Travis had to say about the egg hunt here or what Chris had to say about it here (btw Chris, where was your blue t-shirt? Afraid to be associated with us?!?!?). Or, if you want to read about an Easter Egg Hunt in Canton, GA that wins the award for insaneness go here. It makes ours seem like a walk in the park! It will definitely make you laugh.
I can be seen in the video at 3:27 running and saying, "no, no, no!" to some break away egg hunters trying to get an early start on the field!
I searched for my light-blue 'CHURCH ROCKS !' tee-shirt with my name allegedly on it for a good 15 minutes, and then I gave up when I realized that there were at least 100 people already in line at the Registration Table right after 5 PM. Subsequent efforts to find my shirt later that night and also on Easter Sunday morning failed as well. I am now owed a shirt, and I'll take one of those nice new navy blue shirts that I saw on display at the 'Welcome Center / Information Booth' once we get more of them in with my size.
Kelly, that's so AWESOME!!!!! YEAH Life Pointe!!!!!! Ypu guys are doing it!!!
Hey Kelly, I love the video. It's only been a shade less than a week since "THE HUNT" but I still feel a bit of nostalgia. I wish I could have been there from early in the day. I got off work and headed over in time to help with two of the egg hunts and to help reunite children and their parents. I will never forget the names Ashley and Nyla! LOL Seriously, you and Marcela, Trav, Paul, Jesse, Annie, Reina, Chris, and all the men and women who put a month's worth of work into that day alone deserve all the respect and kudos that can be given.
At one point in the middle of the chaos when the tempers were starting to flare, I felt like taking off my LPC shirt. For some odd reason I felt like someone was going to come running out of nowhere and sucker punch me. :))
Chris, there were MORE than enough t-shirts sitting there. I am sure you could have found your size in that pile. I am sticking with my hunch that you didn't want to be associated with us!
Phil, it is definitely an experience I will always think of and smile. Glad you got to be a small part of it.
Sarah - thanks! It is so much fun being a part of these crazy people!
WOW Kelly I sure hope that nobody saw me working hard behind that Registration Table for about 5 hours non-stop ! I was trying my best to work 'undercover' as a proud Life Pointe Church server ! ;)
I'll see you at Life Pointe Church bright and early on Sunday morning - with my original maroon 'CHURCH ROCKS !' shirt on.
We are definitely making some t-shirts that say, "I survived the 2008 Moonlight Easter Egg Hunt."
I love it ! I'll take one of those too !
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