Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Summer of "24"

Sometime at the beginning of July when Travis and I realized that the only thing worth watching on tv was Big Brother, he found the first season of 24 at his parent's house. We were excited to find something to relax to at the end of the night when the girls went to bed. Relax my foot. I could barely watch two episodes in a row of that first season (it was the most intense). But we got through it and then came season 2... 3... 4... 5... and we are currently in the middle of season 6. It has become quite a fun summer full of speculation and a hint of obsession.

132 episodes of "24" (in two months) later, Travis has considered naming his son Jack Bauer Johnson, for some reason I find myself telling the kids "there's not enough time, we have to go NOW!," I have dreams that my two-year old is operating a machine gun and that I am a hostage, I think David Palmer really is a president, and when I see someone in the gas station I am suspicions and looking for cameras.

If you've never watched, I suggest renting the first set and see if you can stop. You have until January to catch up! There is very little cursing, I can't remember one sex scene, and the politics are great (and I'm not a political person)! While it is not better than LOST, it runs a close 2nd.


Anonymous said...

better than lost...much better.

Johnson said...

Don't get me started.