Saturday, May 09, 2009

Poor McKenna

McKenna was playing in the back yard last night during the marshmallow roast and ran right into the picnic table. She busted her lip up pretty good. She has been so sweet about it. She hasn't complained at all except today when she sipped on some lemonade. She said it made her lip sting. She is so precious.


Anonymous said...

Awe! Bless her little lips! They are really swollen. She's such a trooper not to complain. Look at those huge eyes! She's beautiful, swollen lips and all. -Grammy/Mom

Anonymous said...

So sorry, poor baby!!!

Pray that you get better soon McKenna.

Lost your number sorry...



Anonymous said...

McKenna is definitely tough...not a complaint about her wounds (although I did notice a lot of bandaids :)

Anonymous said...

McKenna LOVES bandaids and Grammy always makes sure she has plenty on hand when she's at our house. It just makes her feel better! -Grammy/Mom