Saturday, May 02, 2009

More technology woes

My phone froze up on the start up menu a few days ago. So I did what any woman in 2009 would do... I googled how to fix it. There were three different options. I chose the one that said I would not lose all of my data. I was so excited when I fixed my phone. Only to realize that every number I had been collecting for 10 years was gone. I am taking to a sprint store next week to see if they can retrieve my data. I am not hopeful.


Your Brother said...

Sorry... your data is GONE!!! You should have backed it up sometime in the last 10 years though!!! I have a backup printed out list I export every time I switch phones.

Anonymous said...

I'll send you a weather forecast later this week via text message so that you have me back as a contact.