Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Pot of Gold?

Last year before Christmas we took a little tour of Miami out on the water with good ole' Captain Doug. As soon as we started the most bizarre things happened. First, a kite surfer jumped OVER our boat. It was so crazy!
Here he comes up and over...
...thank God he didn't hit us!

Then we saw a rainbow over the city. It was gorgeous and so surreal. A close up on Vizcaya with the rainbow on it.
As time passed, we noticed the rainbow get closer and closer until eventually the rainbow was actually in the boat. You can barely see it in this picture, but it was an amazing thing to watch a rainbow actually chase me!

1 comment:

me said...

So where's the leprechaun? The gold? Don't...don't tell me they don't exist? NOW how am I supposed to pay for the kids to go to college? ;)