Saturday, November 25, 2006

There was really no reason to buy a turkey...

Kourtney has learned how to cross her eyes. The funniest part is that she takes stools into the bathroom to try to see what she looks like but never can!


Anonymous said...

What a girl has to do to get attension! LOL...

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the turkey, but this little lady was quite a ham here!

me said...

Hehe, ham! Lovin that joke! Honestly tho, her eyes make me whince...why that looks painful to me, I don't know but it does. T is working on handstands now, it's always something isn't it!? :)

Cool Craig's said...

Enjoy this time in your children's life, they grow up so fast!!!!

Glad you had a great holiday.

Lots of Love,