Thursday, November 09, 2006

Parent's Day at Paramount

Kourtney's dance studio had a parent's day where we could come in and watch and take pictures. Kourtney is the youngest girl in her class, but she does a good job keeping up!
Kourtney, Julia, and Sara... not sure of the order!


Anonymous said...

Awww...I wish I could have gone shes so cute

Anonymous said...

Kelly, Kourtney is definitely a dancer, so focused and coordinated for her age. Besides she looks like a prima ballerina ( a princess )Precious.....
I know personally, I am a EX ballerina, she told me she loves it. The twins a kind of cute too...Ha-ha I really enjoy ALL of your pictures, blessings to you, Beckie

me said...

Traeli takes a jazz/tap/ballet class and she LOVES IT! Especially the tap shoes, which I have to hide or she'd wear 24/7! Do they provide the leotards? Who's her twin?