Sunday, November 05, 2006

The best show EVER!

I have gotten questions about my t-shirt so I must explain. I am a LOST (on ABC) fanatic. I live for Wednesdays after life group. Everyone leaves and I re-play my tivo to see LOST. If you aren't watching this show I dare you to rent the first DVD in season one and see if you can stop. It is so addictive!

The numbers from my t-shirt are a part of the mystery on the island and not a complicated math equation. I dare you to find out more!


me said...

Well ok then! LOL I'm glad you enjoy your Wednesdays, it's so fun to have something to look forward to besides kiddie bedtime! ;)

Cool Craig's said...

I liked the show the first season, and the second I have yet to finish watching, but I have seen some this season, and I think it is getting pretty confusing. Devin loves the show, but it comes on when he is at youth service, and we don't have tivo so he has to wait for the dvd's...which he hates!