Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Varsity in Atlanta

We hit horrible traffic in Atlanta. So, we made a pit stop and ate at the Varsity.


me said...

Wow, woman when you blog YOU BLOG, don't ya! LOL I was starting to wonder where you'd disappeared to and *boom* there you are! :) No clue what the Varsity is but hopefully it was tasty and took long enough for you to skip the traffic! For that reason alone I do not miss living in a big city! ;) Glad you made it back alright!
p.s. Is that a princess cell phone holder in Kourtney's hand? We have the same one...or two. LOL

Phil Hoover said...

THE VARSITY...eeeewwww...I feel my arteries hardening already!

It's the greatest place in the world to eat! Best burger in the city of the state of JAWJUH....

Love it..

Love your blog too, Kelly!

Keep it up.