Sunday, October 01, 2006

Lee University - Celebration 2006

President Conn celebrated 20 years as Lee University's president. They had a campus wide celebration in honor of him - Celebration 2006. Travis was invited to walk in the ceremony and represent the class of 1997. It was so nice to be on campus and see the changes that have taken place. It is more beautiful than any picture shows. I am so proud to be an alumnus.
I also got to see my great friend Vanessa. She met McKenna for the first time. The girls looked so cute in the Lee graduation hat... it fit them just right!

I could never capture the feel of Lee or even take pictures of all the gorgeous buildings, but here is my attempt at a few of the buidlings on campus (map link)... I am a huge supporter of everyone I know going to Lee! I wish I had more pics of the campus.
Humanities Building
Music Building
Student Center (complete with Chick-fil-a inside!)
Parker St.
Not even sure what the name of this men's dorm is... it is only a couple years old.

1 comment:

me said...

Gorgeous campus! I feel that way about my alumni, Colorado State University.