Monday, October 30, 2006

Johnson Pumpkin Contest

These were carved by Phil, Marcela, and Travis... can you tell which one Travis did? :) Awe honey, I love you!


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I'm having a hard time figuring that out.h

That was the best laugh I had all day. Thanks, Kelly, you're the best!

Anonymous said...

That one on the right is a masterpiece. The simplicity, the clean lines, the utter stupidity of the look on it's face!

I got a good laugh out of that too.

me said...

I can see the artist's vision of 'keeping it real' and commend that completely!
side note: T just said 'she is my friend' when I showed her a picture of Kourtney to see the owner of that sweet is that!? She's befriended a girl in FL she's never met. LOL

Johnson said...

That is funny. Kourtney does that too with my online friends. She will see a picture of a little girl and ask, who is that? Do I know her? They are so smart!