Thursday, October 19, 2006

Before my husband became a fantasy football FREAK football was simple

Coming from a BASKETBALL FAMILY where my dad coached, my brother played, and I cheered, I had never been to a football game until I met Travis. He taught me the ways of football. What a 1st down was, how many points a touchdown was, and why players kicked the ball down the field. I was a pretty good football wife on Sundays. I even secretly enjoyed watching. Before every game I would ask, "what color are we pulling for today?"

Yes, those days were simple. Those days are no longer. I can no longer ask what color team we are pulling for. Now when I ask that, this is my response... we want the defense to do good on the blue team but the quarterback to do good on the red team. We want #00 to throw a long pass but only if #01 catches it. We don't want the red team's kicker to get any field goals, and on, and on, and on...

I have given up rooting for football teams. It is all too confusing in this world of fantasy football. I might have to resort back to basketball...


Johnson said...

You are a great football wife! Next year you will be playing FF with me, no?!

Cool Craig's said...

I am so glad Don only cares about the cowboys, and since they have been so bad the last few years, no big deal. You are better than my, I picked a team just to spite my I had to watch as his "cowgirls" beat my Texans really bad. Oh well, it is better than just picking the better colors!

me said...

I'm a football widow and while I too enjoy watching the game, I hate the fact that they take so bloody long. Four hours of your life is ridiculous to spend in front of the tv only to base your attitude for the rest of the day on their win/lose. Ugh. I once loved football, it's now more of an enemy.