Wednesday, September 20, 2006


We met my parents in Orlando last week. My Grandpa Hall is living with them now and he came with them. It was McKenna's first time meeting him. My parents watched the girls while we went to Universal's Islands of Adventure. There was a water park where we were staying and the girls had a ball with my parents. I need to get those pictures from my mom!
At Chilli's
Telling Secrets?
Munchin on corn!


me said...

I'm startin to see some hair there on that beautiful little girl! My DD was bald for the longest time, it brings back sweet memories. :) It looks to me like the girls are good for Gpa Halls soul, am I right? Amazing what some youthful energy does for them...I'm so happy the girls have the opportunity to meet him and spend time with your parents as well! I so wish my kiddos had involved grandparents.

Johnson said...

Yeah, he loved being around them. My parents and in-laws are such a blessing to my kids. I am very lucky!