Thursday, September 07, 2006

Kourtney says the cutest things!

After watching a snow filled episode of Little Bear (link) (her favorite show right now), Kourtney's eyes lit up. With as much sincerity as an almost-three-year-old can have she said, "maybe it will snow here tomorrow mommy!"

My heart swelled. As a snow lover this was a proud moment.

With a sad heart, I told her, "we live in South Florida where it NEVER snows."

She said, "but why mama? Can't YOU make it snow?"

To which I said, "God only makes it snow up north where it gets cold."

Kourtney, wishing I could take you to this playground :(.

(pictured here July 2005)
"Kourtney, who is your boyfriend?" With smiling eyes, "Antonio."

Uh-oh daddy, better get that cage!

************************************************************************************ Kourtney has had a stuffy nose tonight. It is the kind where it doesn't run, you just can't breathe through it. So she let me know, "Mommy, I have a frog in my nose." I guess she has heard us say that we have frogs in our throats before!


Dorian said...

Ok, that does it!!! Bring that girl to Iowa. I'll show her some snow. Wait a couple months, there will be more than enough. lol I'll even send some home with you.

Johnson said...

Dorian, you have no idea. :(

me said...

We live where it does snow and my little girlie has been asking when it's going to happen for weeks now! LOL I wish I could wrap some up for you and send it for her to enjoy! Hit Iowa and make a pitstop in NE if you'd like! ;)