Monday, May 22, 2006

Cute sayings

I ordered the charger for my camera, but in the mean time I had to share this cute thing Kourtney started is saying...

"When I was a little girl..." then she proceeds to tell a story about something that happened yesterday. She is growing up right before our eyes, but I don't think it is quite THAT fast.


Anonymous said...

This is so adorable. Yesterday she related a story to me about when she was a little girl, beginning with "once upon a time". Just had to smile--for quite a while.


Emily said...

Eloise says things like this, too, except in reverse. She will say: "Yesterday..." and whatever she related really happened weeks ago! You are right bath time is is taking a shower, getting ready, preparing food...when daddy is gone, but it IS precious time. Eloise says: "It's just us three girls!! NOT daddy!"

Your family is beautiful, by the way, and you look great, Kelly. Let me know if you get this post so I know I am doing it right!
